There Is Still Much More

I listened intently as a friend shared from several scriptures.  One scripture in particular challenged me to the very core of my spirit.  I have read through it in at least ten translations.  I believe the best translation is from the New Century Version.

Carefully consider God’s words to Joshua in Joshua 13:1.  God says, “There is still much land for you to take.”

By this time, Joshua had lived a very productive life.  Yet, there was so much more that God wanted to do through him.  Those of us who have been actively involved in ministry for 10, 20, 30, or more years, should take heed to these words.  There is still much land for us to take!  There is still much for us to do and accomplish in ministry.  There are lives to be changed, hurts to be healed, souls to be saved, families to be strengthened, and nations to be reached with God’s love.

What land remains for you to possess for God’s Kingdom?  It is time for ministry leaders across the globe to shake themselves.  Awake to the realization that weekly ministry routine can lead one to a place of maintenance in ministry. What exactly does that mean?  It means that, with the workload and schedules involved in ministry, an active minister can discover that they are no longer taking new territory but are solely maintaining what is already possessed.

Allow God to renew the vision in you for new territory!  God has commissioned us to “GO!”  Now is the time!  Today is the day!  There is still much land to be taken!

Rev. Gary R. Linn