Good Leaders Are Good Followers

Most agree that a good leader is one who keeps his or her group moving forward in growth, progress, and vision. The demands of growth, progress and vision often place the leader out in front of the group where he or she forges the path. At times, this appears to be a difficult task that places various stresses and heavy responsibilities on the leader. It reminds us of the saying, “to boldly go where no man has gone before.”

Though a leader needs to be out in front leading, a good leader is also a good follower. You may be asking, “How can a leader follow when establishing a path not yet travelled?”

Consider the account of Peter and John in Acts 4. Peter and John were establishing new paths. They were launching the church. Though they had not seen Jesus experience these exact circumstances, they had been with Jesus. They had seen and experienced His leadership abilities. Moreover, they had the same Spirit within them to lead them. The response of the Sanhedrin was astonishment. They could tell that Peter and John had been with Jesus.

As you forge new paths, make sure that you are not doing it on your own. Be a follower! First, fill your heart with God’s Word, for it is a light unto your path. Next, listen carefully to God’s Spirit within you for He is ever leading you into all truth and teaching you all things. Spend quality time with Christ through prayer. Then, add to this input from other Christ-like leaders. Though other leaders may not have trekked the same path, they have godly wisdom and insights which will enable you to more effectively lead.

Keep in mind that you are only as good of a leader as you are a follower. So, be a good follower and you will be a good leader as well!

Gary R. Linn


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