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Do Those To Whom You Minister See Jesus Christ?

Here is a thought provoking question for you today…  Do those to whom you minister see the ‘real’ Christ Jesus?

God calls to us several times in the New Testament to become “Imitators” of Christ – “Imitators” of God. What exactly does that mean? Where do we begin?

As I was leading a training session this past Sunday evening for a group of adult leaders, God led me to challenge them with a thought concerning passion. It is obvious to others around us as to where our passions lie. We spend time with the areas of life in which we are passionate. If it is art, then art is reflected in our home, our conversations, our days of relaxation. The question then comes, “What does God want us to be passionate about?”

With Christ being our ‘perfect’ example, we quickly and most accurately discover the answer to that question is ‘prayer.’ E. M. Bounds sums it up like this in his book “Weapon of Prayer.”

Nothing is more suggestive of thought than Christ’s continual praying, and nothing is more conspicuous about Him than prayer. His campaigns were arranged, His victories gained, in the struggles and communion of His all-night praying. His praying rent the heavens. Moses and Elijah and the Transfiguration glory waited on His praying. His miracles and His teaching had their force from the same source. Gethsemane’s praying crimsoned Calvary with serenity and glory. His prayer makes the history and hastens the triumphs of His Church. What an inspiration and command to prayer is Christ’s life! What a comment on its worth! How He shames our lives by His praying!

Reviewing the question at the beginning, “Do those to whom you minister see the ‘real’ Christ Jesus?” In order for us to answer with a resounding “YES!”, we must be men and women of prayer.

I put a call to you today. I call you to prayer. Not just as an event, meeting, focus, or season, but I call you to a life-style of prayer.