Category Archives: Challenges

Under No Circumstances

This is a special edition for Intentional Leadership’s podcast which features a sermon by Pastor Gary focusing upon God’s direction for handling undesirable circumstances.  “Under No Circumstances” uses Joshua 10 as an example of dealing with the pressures of mounting circumstances.

Your Strongest Preaching Should Be To Yourself

This week I started re-reading Power Through Prayer by E. M. Bounds.  The opening chapter alone is worth having a copy of his work in your library!  He heralds such statements as: “The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men.” and “The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men.”  and “(The preacher) makes or mars the message from God to man.”

It is as though he looked forward through time more than a hundred years to give us insight on where we are today.  And still, one of his strongest observations is Continue reading Your Strongest Preaching Should Be To Yourself

Super-sized Leadership

Goals and vision are powerful motivator for every leader.  There is great satisfaction in reaching goals and seeing vision fulfilled.  Have you ever considered that God wants to do more than help you reach your goals?  God wants to “SUPER-SIZE” your goals and vision He has entrusted into your care.

The insights in this 30 minute challenge from Pastor Gary R. Linn leads you through scriptures in discovering the pattern that God wants to give more than what you ask.