Category Archives: Challenges

The Law of Prescriptive Usage

As a leader, have you ever wondered why those whom you are leading are not developing the characteristics which you desire?  Sometimes a long look in a mirror can help.  Pastor Gary R. Linn shares a powerful insight into how the Law of Prescriptive Usage impacts leaders and their teams.

This 22 minute insight also helps all believers more fully understand the Biblical principles God has set in place to meet needs.

Good Leaders Are Good Followers

Most agree that a good leader is one who keeps his or her group moving forward in growth, progress, and vision. The demands of growth, progress and vision often place the leader out in front of the group where he or she forges the path. At times, this appears to be a difficult task that places various stresses and heavy responsibilities on the leader. It reminds us of the saying, “to boldly go where no man has gone before.”

Though a leader needs Continue reading Good Leaders Are Good Followers

What Do You Need To Get The Job Done?

Each of us has a list of resources with which we rely upon to accomplish the tasks in our vocation or position of leadership. Though our lists may vary in specifics, some of the most common components are finances, staff, and time. Still, why is it that we can look at some companies or organizations and wonder why they failed when they appeared to have all of the necessary resources in place and were positioned for success and growth?

Will you consider the significance of this statement? “You are Continue reading What Do You Need To Get The Job Done?