Where will ministry take you this year? Where will you take ministry this year?
A standard has been set before me this year for “Great Expectation” in seeing “Heaven-Born Possibilities” being daily realized throughout all areas of my life and ministry.
For me, this is the “Year of Heaven-Born Possibilities!” (Isaiah 45:8 AMP) A challenge for you today is to take a hold of this same vision with the expectancy to see God’s marvelous hand mightily move throughout all of your life as well.
This kind of exciting supernatural interaction follows your actions. In other words, God is looking for you to act in order for Him to interact!
In brief, there are several areas in which you must be diligent.
1 – Have a tender spirit with an inward ear that is continually listening for that still small voice of direction.
2 – Be earnest in prayer.
3 – Be consistent in feeding your thoughts, mind, soul, and spirit the Word.
4 – Walk in love and patience.
5 – Hold onto your confidence.
Prayer and the Word of God are key. Desiring to experience the fullness of your covenant and blessing from God without prayer and the Word is much like wanting to mow your lawn without ever putting gas into your mower. You know it can be done, but you have no resources to see it fulfilled or accomplished.
Similarly, love and patience are likely two of the most misunderstood and rarely implemented resources God has given His people to walk in victory. Love is not some whimpy, ethereal feeling. It is the very power and essence of God Himself. God is love! Many also confuse patience as being some sort of submissive state for allowing oneself to be walked over and trampled under foot by every scheme which satan can think up. Not so! Patience is consistently being consistent!
And this brings us to the final point of holding onto our confidence. Hebrews 10:35 says that you “WILL BE REWARDED” when you do not throw away your confidence. Your heart is a spring of dreams, visions, insights, purposes, and motivations that were placed there by your Father God. Tightly hold onto those! It is your confidence in His promises and words in your spirit that will walk you through even the most difficult situations to a place of victory and blessing.
I want to summarize this for you. Live this year with EXPECTATION for seeing “the pure, spiritual, heaven-born possibilities that have their foundation in the holy being of God” supernaturally and daily manifested in your life and ministry. “Do not throw away your confidence for it will be richly rewarded!” That is a promise from your Father! And, in Christ, every promise is already answered “Yes” and “Amen!” So, it’s up to you! The ball is in your court, to coin a phrase. Prayer, the Word, Love, Patience, Confidence, and a Tender Inward Ear will have you daily living in anticipation to see how God will interact next in your life in ministry!
Gary R. Linn