Category Archives: Challenges

At The Heart of Life-Changing Leadership

In order to more fully understand today’s topic, let us first define what is meant by the phrase “Life-Changing Leadership.” A leader who diligently interacts with those around him has the potential of forever impacting their lives. The resulting change can be toward the negative or the positive. So, let’s consider what characteristic is at the heart of a leader who can effectively lead those around him into a more positive and productive life. Continue reading At The Heart of Life-Changing Leadership

Go Ahead, Show Some Initiative

Picture this scenario. You text a team member, saying that you just sent them an email to let them know that you will be calling later to set up a time with them to get together to plan a meeting to discuss when the two of you can sit down and develop a strategy of when the best time would be to conduct regular staff meetings. Pause for a moment. Did you fully understand that illustration? If you continue with that plan of action, you Continue reading Go Ahead, Show Some Initiative

If At First You Don’t Succeed…..

Most of us have heard the expression, “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” It is a catchy cliché that hints to the thought to never give up. If we were talking about being persistent and never giving up, then I agree with the statement. However, there are those who use it as more of an excuse for failure. Rather than certain failures or setbacks being the result of not trying, they may be more of a result of Continue reading If At First You Don’t Succeed…..