Are You Singing the Same Old Song?

Whenever you hear someone say, “singing the same old song,” it is usually not in a good context. This short piece of prose implies that a person is following a pattern of unhealthy repetition. So, let me ask you “Are you singing the same old song?” Have you developed a pattern of repetition that is unhealthy for yourself and those to whom you minister?

In order to more fully grasp today’s leadership insight, let’s develop an example. Maybe you are a pastor who has Continue reading Are You Singing the Same Old Song?

4 Wise Steps to Effective Problem Solving

Christian leaders often use the lifestyles and decisions of the Old Testament kings for examples in how to effectively lead. A brief perusal of the successful leaders from ancient Israel, Egypt, Babylon, etc…quickly brings to focus that each received wise insight from God and God-led people. Conversely, we discover that the unsuccessful leaders either did not receive or refused to receive wise, God-given input.

From this basic principle, it should be evident to all of us that effective leadership comes from Continue reading 4 Wise Steps to Effective Problem Solving

Minimizing Frustrations and Discouragements – part 2

Today’s Intentional Leadership challenge focuses on the second scenario from our last leadership challenge, “Minimizing Frustrations and Discouragements.”

What do you do when you must work outside your God-given talents, abilities, and insights? As a leader, you will often find yourself faced with tasks that require skill sets other than those which are your strengths.

You should consider whether this task is going to be Continue reading Minimizing Frustrations and Discouragements – part 2

Noteworthy Thoughts for Christian Leaders