How To Minimize Frustrations And Discouragements

Minimizing FrustrationAs we begin today’s leadership insight, take a moment and reflect upon this past month. I want you to pinpoint at least one task you had to accomplish that was frustrating or difficult for you to undertake. In addition to the difficulty, also look for some responsibility that you really did not wish to do. Focus upon a task that was directly associated with the area of your leadership and influence.

Now that you have this task in mind, consider whether the skills and insights needed to effectively handle that task are part of your strengths and talents. Most leaders I have counseled quickly discover that the areas which are most frustrating for them or discouraging to them are areas that Continue reading How To Minimize Frustrations And Discouragements

Your Gift Is Waiting To Be Opened

Your Gift is Waiting to be OpenedThis Intentional Leadership thought comes during the middle of what is considered the busiest holiday season of the year.  Most everyone I have spoken with or corresponded with over the past several weeks seems to wish something was a little different in their ministry or family circumstances this Christmas season.  Maybe you can identify with them as well.  If so, let me share with you the following thoughts of encouragement because I DEEPLY DESIRE FOR YOU TO EXPERIENCE GOD’S GREATNESS IN YOUR LIFE! Continue reading Your Gift Is Waiting To Be Opened

Noteworthy Thoughts for Christian Leaders