Did you hear the story of the pastor who wanted to illustrate the Acts 2 story of tongues of fire? He placed a small propane canister in his inner suit coat pocket, from which he ran a small pipe that went to the back of his neck and up toward the top back of his head. He walked out in front of the children as to carefully not reveal the piping. As he was telling the Bible story, he casually reached inside his pocket and turned the valve to the open position. When he could smell the propane, he pressed the trigger which ignited the gas at the end of the pipe. There was an instantaneous Continue reading The 8 T’s of Ministry
Mosquitoes in Ministry
I was sitting with God this morning on my back porch. It was a beautifully bright morning. The trickling water falling into our small pond created an wonderful acoustic background as I watched the birds feeding and the dragonflies circling throughout the backyard. Then, in the midst of enjoying His handiwork, I felt an irritating sting Continue reading Mosquitoes in Ministry
There Is Still Much More
I listened intently as a friend shared from several scriptures. One scripture in particular challenged me to the very core of my spirit. I have read through it in at least ten translations. I believe the best translation is from the New Century Version.
Carefully consider God’s words to Joshua in Joshua 13:1. God says, “There is still much land for you to take.” Continue reading There Is Still Much More