Would You Like to Be Appreciated?

The roles and tasks leaders fill often times lead them along paths seldom traveled by others.  It can almost seem ironic that someone who leads 10’s, 100’s, or even 1000’s of people could struggle with feeling alone.  Professionals have full explanations and descriptions for this scenario and have, for the most part, decided that it is ‘status quo’ in the leadership role.  So, as a leader, how can you make a difference in this “all too common” scenario in your life and the lives of other leaders?

Let’s highlight a brief encounter Christ had with a leader.  As you look in Matthew 8, you discover a strong leader in the person of the Centurion who came to Christ for the healing of his servant.  This man was reaching out on behalf of someone who was under his leadership and authority.  After the healing, do you not believe his servant showed extreme appreciation?

As a leader, you can clearly see that it is your genuine concern and care for those you lead which will, in return, give back to you in those moments when you need some care.

Another comment the Centurion made was, “I am a man under authority, with soldiers under me.”  In these few words, he clearly defines himself as being a leader and also being under leadership.  This man may have experienced the same concern and care from those in leadership over him as he was now showing toward his servant who was under his leadership.

The underlying principle throughout the illustration is simply this.  Many times, being appreciated and cared for in the moments when you need it as a leader comes as a direct result of you showing appreciation and care for those to whom you lead and those who lead you.

Make the time today.  Take action today.  Examine your role as a leader.  Ask yourself, “Whose life am I impacting and who is impacting my life?”  Once you have identified these two groups, do something to show your appreciation, care, and concern.  By taking action now, you are positioning yourself to receive the same appreciation and concern in return when you are the one in need.

Gary R. Linn