This Intentional Leadership focus emanates from several ministry leaders and pastors seeking input of how to handle certain challenges they are facing as they lead their congregations. In the heart of a leader, there is a clear understanding of Continue reading Flexibility vs. Double-Mindedness
Would You Like to Be Appreciated?
The roles and tasks leaders fill often times lead them along paths seldom traveled by others. It can almost seem ironic that someone who leads 10’s, 100’s, or even 1000’s of people could struggle with feeling alone. Professionals have full explanations and descriptions for this scenario and have, for the most part, decided that it is ‘status quo’ in the leadership role. So, as a leader, how can you make a difference in this “all too common” scenario in your life Continue reading Would You Like to Be Appreciated?
Are You Looking For God to Answer?
As leaders we often find ourselves intently looking for an answer from God to a specific question or need we have or one for someone under our leadership. It is certain that much of our prayers should and do focus on worship and praise toward God. But it is also true that many times our prayers are saturated with requests and needs.
Let me encourage you with this undeniable, indisputable, and irrevocable truth Continue reading Are You Looking For God to Answer?